Sunday, August 9, 2009

Customizing a Robot Family

Customizing a Robot Family

I was commishioned by a local family to make a  robot family portrait.

Portraying each member of the family(including the dog).

I met with the family to get an idea of their personalities and what they wanted to see in their robots.

i asked them simple questions to get to know them ie: If you had no responsibities and you could do anything you wanted - what would you do? What do you do for a living? Name your top 3 fav movies and bands.

After the initial meeting i headed to my studio to start sketching 

i emailed the family with the first set of sketches , asked them to give me feedback, and any changes that needed to be made.

I met again with them the following week so that they could see the sketches in person and make any last changes.

I'm back in the studio with the final changes, and getting ready to put them on canvas.


  1. What a fun project! Keep us posted on your progress!

  2. Everyone hears about family portraits - but a robot family! It's totally outside the box; I love it.
